Acupuncture can sometimes produce dramatic results & does more than take away symptoms in the way a paracetamol removes a headache. It corrects the true cause of the problem, encouraging the body’s innate wisdom to return it to its natural state of balance.
What is Acupuncture?
This long-established Chinese medical practice involves the insertion of needles to stimulate the healing process. It assists in releasing hormones that help with pain or inflammation and to relieve the specific symptoms of many diseases. It is highly effective in treating an array of conditions ranging from stress related symptoms to muscular skeletal problems for any age group. Its’ success in pain management has been well researched, and it was for this reason acupuncture was initially introduced to the West.
According to theories of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected via pathways, or meridians. These pathways create an energy flow (Qi, pronounced “chee”) that flow freely through the body when we are in a healthy state. If there is a problem, energy stagnates or flows incorrectly. The stimulation of appropriate acupuncture points corrects this.
What does Acupuncture feel like?
What can you expect during your treatment?
Your first appointment will take about one hour. We’ll take a detailed account of your symptoms, medical and family history and major life events, so we can establish a complete picture of you. Some questions about bodily functions may surprise you, but all information regarding your life is relevant to making a diagnosis in TCM terms. A TCM framework often connects seemingly unrelated complaints. For example, people with lung problems may also complain of bowel disturbances like constipation; similarly two people complaining of ‘fatigue’ may receive different treatments. This can be a huge relief for people baffling doctors with unusual or vague of symptoms that do not fit into a Western diagnosis.
Next we’ll feel the pulses on both wrists, these indicate how well specific internal organs are functioning, and give a general indication of your current energy level. We’ll inspect your tongue to gain more information from the appearance, such as its’ shape, colour and coating. It is advisable to bring along any test results, x-rays etc. that you think may be relevant.
Generally speaking we use a combination of acupuncture, massage, cupping (glass suction cups, which are applied painlessly to the skin) and moxabustion (where a warming herb is burnt and held close to the skin). In some instances we will use laser therapy rather than needles; in particular when dealing with a delicate area such as the face, when patients are apprehensive about needles, or on younger children & babies.
At the end of your treatment you may be prescribed Chinese Herbal Formulas, be given recommended lifestyle or dietary changes according to TCM theory and when appropriate, some simple stretches or exercises to assist in your recovery or mobility.
The number of treatments you need will depend on the severity of the problem and how long it has been there. While you may feel improvement after one treatment, some symptoms need repetitive treatments to resolve or significantly improve. We are open to your individual needs, however we find that many of our clients are proactive in their health management by choosing to have regular preventative or maintenance appointments. It is our philosophy to give you results to balance your health as quickly as possible.